Geekdom News!Reviews

Hellboy (2019) – Review

Neil Marshall’s ‘Hellboy’ Is A Dreadful, Juvenile Mess

The screenplay, caters to those who have read the original comics, I think. There were characters that showed up for no reason, with no back story. The gore in this movie is so over-done, I kid you not, it’s going to test your patience on how long you can stop your gag reflex. 

The attempt at humor is worse than your dad’s jokes. I almost walked out of the cinema an hour into the movie but I stayed hoping for some redemption. Sadly, there was none to be found. I really really hated this movie and the whole time I just wanted Guillermo Del Toro had the opportunity to finish his trilogy.

The 2nd Hellboy is easily one of my favorite films in the last decade. Guillermo Del Toro and star Ron Perlman brought Hellboy to life in two entertaining films that brought joy to a lot of audiences.

To anyone and everyone involved in this trash please never try and make another superhero movie again. 

Also David Harbour deserves better I’m glad he has “Stranger Things 3” and “Black Widow” lined up.

