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Time Stone and ‘Endgame’ ending could be a massive storyline in “Doctor Strange 2” Also for the Future of MCU

While Tony Stark may have been the big hero of the final battle in the Infinity Saga, one can argue that Doctor Strange was the pivotal character. Not only did his action of willingly surrendering the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Tony Stark’s life set in motion all the events that led to Thanos’ defeat, Stephen Strange (along with Wong) was also responsible for galvanizing nearly the entire MCU to that iconic final battle.

That is likely the most significant difference for Strange going into his second film. Rather than being some mystical weirdo who lives at 177A Bleecker Street, he’s now a lynchpin for all the heroes of Earth and beyond. It will be interesting to see how he can balance his life as an Avenger with his day-to-day reality-protection duties as The Sorcerer Supreme. If Captain America did his job right at the end of Endgame he should also still be in possession of the Time Stone.

It is said Time Stone that will probably cause most of his problems in Doctor Strange 2. He still has Chiwetel Ejiofor’s Karl Mordo out there trying to destroy all sorcerers, insisting that “the bill comes due.” One can imagine that bill might also come partly from all the time f**kery in Endgame as well, that maybe the timeline wasn’t put back on track as neatly as Bruce Banner promised The Ancient One it would be. It’s possible that Strange is busy dealing with the repercussions of a universe knocked seriously out of whack by The Avengers.

This could also be the movie that finally explores the connection between the Quantum Realm and the Dark Dimension.
