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Abrams Met with George Lucas Prior to Writing Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

In an interview with IGN at Star Wars Celebration Event in Chicago, Abrams discussed how he met with the 74-year-old franchise creator prior to writing the script to help craft an epic conclusion audiences and the possibility that his creative involvement might have led to the return of Ian McDiarmid’s Emperor Palpatine.


“This movie had a very, very specific challenge, which was to take eight films and give an ending to three trilogies, and so we had to look at, what is the bigger story? We had conversations amongst ourselves, we met with George Lucas before writing the script,” Abrams said. “These were things that were in real, not debate, but looking at the vastness of the story and trying to figure out, what is the way to conclude this? But it has to work on its own as a movie, it has to be its own thing, it has to be surprising and funny and you have to understand it.”
