
YOUTUBE GeekdomMOVIES Episode 1 – Endgame Review

Avengers: Endgame – Review

A lot is at stake in ‘Avengers Endgame’ to stop Thanos and bring back those who have vanished from “The Snap”

The movie has to give time for these characters to feel the full depth of the loss in “Infinity War” and yet give us a big blockbuster spectacle like we expect from a summer movie. Does it live up to the hype? Most certainly it does.

Watching these ‘Avengers’ save the universe, and also seeing them get a proper heroic ending. And it succeeds in so many ways, we as audience members care so much about the struggles and fights that take place within this Marvel Universe.

A lot of us will go back to this movie for the final arc in the last hour of this film.

  • the last 40 mins of this entire movie is better than any scene in any Marvel movie. When was the last time you wanted an ending to work out so badly? And how many have failed those final moments. (The Matrix Trilogy, Harry Potter)
  • How many of these finales succeeded (Original Star Wars Trilogy, Lord of the Rings)
  • This is a culmination of 10 years with Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. We all want to see them fight and win, but also to see them go down in this universe properly. We the audience want to see them given a proper ending, with a closed off story arc. This is a huge feat to accomplish. But with Marvel Studios, they know they are well up to the task.
  • And to all those fans who loved these characters even before there was a such thing as “Marvel Cinematic Universe.” The last hour of the film is a huge bow to you who have read and cherished these characters from pages of these comics.
  • The level of intricate character interaction with the battle in the mix gives us proper fan service.
  • The key emotional character moments work so well I seriously had to wipe tears from my face a few times.
  • I think for me Nebula has the best story arc in this entire franchise, crazy to see her progress from a throw away character in Guardians of the Galaxy 1. To seeing her full character in the end, is just so darn beautiful.

Avengers: Endgame is a true culmination of 22 films that not only concludes the story, but expands upon it. It is massively entertaining, that brings laughs, action, and tears. Kevin Feige will be remembered for doing the impossible, whatever this saga is, people will be talking about it decades to come.

These 11 years and 22 movies will be remembered as much Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

