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Horizon Zero Dawn is bigger on PC, but not as big as we thought

The install size on PC is quite a bit larger than the PlayStation 4’s relatively slim 48.1 GB install size, but the differential is probably down to the differences in potential graphical fidelity between the two platforms. On PC, Horizon Zero Dawn will include support for ultra-widescreen monitors, and developer Guerrilla Games will have had to account for a vast array of potential system configurations.

It’s still kind of amazing that this is happening at all, but Horizon Zero Dawn will be launching on PC this week. If you’ve pre-ordered the game, it’s now available to pre-download, and that means we know how much hard drive space you can expect it to take up.

The Horizon Zero Dawn install size weighs in at 67.1 GB, which is about a third smaller than the 100 GB of disk space we’d been told to set aside when the Horizon Zero Dawn PC system requirements were revealed last month. That’s a pretty significant space savings: you could install Yakuza 0 (25.6 GB) or Sekrio: Shadows Die Twice (somehow just 15.8 GB) in the 32.9 GB of space left over.

As Twisted Voxel points out, the install size on PC is quite a bit larger than the PlayStation 4’s relatively slim 48.1 GB install size, but the differential is probably down to the differences in potential graphical fidelity between the two platforms. On PC, Horizon Zero Dawn will include support for ultra-widescreen monitors, and developer Guerrilla Games will have had to account for a vast array of potential system configurations.

Here’s the PC trailer:

What’s also potentially notable is that Horizon Zero Dawn’s install footprint is around the same size as Death Stranding’s, which also is powered by Guerrilla’s proprietary Decima engine. That tech has allowed Death Stranding to run beautifully on PC, and it includes DLSS 2.0 tech that actually improves overall image fidelity while allowing for better performance.

If you’re interested in the game but want to try something a bit different, consider trying one of these games like Horizon Zero Dawn available on PC.
