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How to grow the Instagram from scratch / buy followers?

Starting an instagram from scratch is not easy, especially at the beginning?

There are people who try to cut their way through methods not allowed by the instagram like buying followers.

However there are some hacks that are allowed and can make you grow very fast and with a low investment or even no investment at all.

Contrary to what many think it is possible to grow an instagram from scratch without buying followers.

And if you want to work with your instagram in the long run it is even recommended not to buy followers.

If you want to learn some hacks to grow your instagram with little or zero investment read through to the end and already run to apply it, after all the knowledge is worthless if you do not use it.

First hack: Do surveys in the stories.

Surveys are not only a great way to get to know your audience, but also a great way to engage your audience and increase their reach.

For example, you create 10 story polls with simple, short questions.

Let’s say 100 people see your 10 stories and 30 people answer those polls.

These 30 people interacted 2x with your profile in 10 stories, which means that in addition to the 100 people who viewed your 10 stories you still had 30 more interactions in each story.

To install it, each visualization in the stories counts as an interaction and each answer in the poll counts as another interaction, if you do it in one day, the next day you’ll notice that your reach has increased.

Second hack: no buying tanned, you want to have more tanned ask for tanned!

In the text of your post besides having content that interests and helps those who follow you you always have to make a call for action at the end of the post.

It’s good that you have at least a basic knowledge of copywriting to help you when writing your post and make the call for action.

Which leads us to our third hack: study copywriting.

 At least the basics about copywriting you need to know to be successful and grow your instagram.

In this technological age everyone is bombarded with information at all times, most of the photos in the instagram feed people ignore.

Understanding copywriting puts you in front of most of your competitors, your headline needs to arouse curiosity in those who read it.

And the text of the post needs to keep that person’s attention until the end of the text where you should make a call for action, which can be a joke, a comment, ask to follow you or any other action you want him to take.

You don’t need to buy followers and you don’t need to just know copywriting, which guarantees that your followers will always increase and so will your tastes. 

Especially if you’re willing to push some posts, if you push a post with a good copy it’s inevitable that you’ll gain followers and digs, and it’s much cheaper than comprar seguidores.

Fourth hack: Make lives and invite people to your live.

If you are used to making lives in the instagram invite your followers to join the live.

How do you do it? 

Tell your followers that you will answer their questions on live.

Why do this?

There are 2 reasons to do this: First, when a person joins live, the instagram notifies that person’s followers that they are online and their followers can join live and even follow you afterwards.

Second reason: every time someone joins your live, the instagram notifies your followers that you are online again.

The more people you invite to your live the more often your followers will be notified.

Every time you open your live, the instagram notifies a part of your followers, if several people enter your live, the instagram will notify more followers of you.

Anyway, these are some hacks that I thought it was important to share with you.

 If you apply these hacks you will never need to buy followers in your life.
