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Denis Villeneuve named filmmaker of the decade by Hollywood Critics Association

The Hollywood Critics Association has declared Quebec director Denis Villeneuve the filmmaker of the decade.

The Los Angeles-based group says it will give Villeneuve an award for the distinction at a ceremony on Jan. 9.

Villeneuve has had a string of high-profile projects in recent years, including the sci-fi film noir “Blade Runner 2049,” which won two Oscars – one for Roger Deakins for cinematography and another for visual effects.

His 2016 Quebec-shot alien invasion drama “Arrival” also got several Oscar nominations, earning one for sound editing.

And his 2010 dark family drama “Incendies” was nominated for an Oscar for best foreign language film.

Villeneuve’s other revered films include “Prisoners” and “Sicario.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published on Dec. 12, 2019

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